And I guess the more important part of this is "how do I beat it"?
Being one who has fought depression because of health and personal issues, I have to be very careful on these types of days. And I also have to have a plan of action. Now, what I'm about to say is what I apply in my life. I hope it will help you when you fight the same struggle.
First, remind yourself that you are not alone!
1 Peter 5:9 (NKJV)What does Peter say? "...the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in all the world...". Sometimes the hardest part of depression is the feeling that "no one really understands". And possibly in your intermediate circle, this could be true. But Peter says that somewhere someone else is struggle just like you are at this very moment! That brings some very much need companionship!
9 Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world.
Second, read and meditate on God's Word!
When I'm struggling I meditate on God's Word. I don't mean reading like I would read a book. I mean slowly meditating on what I am reading. There's a very important reason for this. It allows me to sense God speaking to me through His Spirit. When I just read - I'll pass right on by. But when I'm meditating, I'm truly considering what I am reading and I read until I sense God's presence.
Third, this may sound corny, but write down what you feel.
Try and sense what God might be saying to you for He wants to help. In other words, create a journal. Record your thoughts and your hearings. There's only one purpose in this: I can go back on bad days such as this and see how God spoke to me on another day!Last, talk - I mean "TALK" to God.
Tell Him what you feel and where you are struggling. He already knows. But there are times that when I do the above, and add talking to the experience that I feel like I'm communicating with someone. And this is the best way to fight and have victory over depression.
A verse that over the last week has really begun to take a new meaning with me is this:
John 4:13-14 (NKJV)
13 Jesus answered and said to her, "... 14 but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life."
Wow that is truly sweet for the one struggling with those tough days. The more we "drink His word" the more his "living water" - catch the next phrase toward the end - "springing up"! The phrase "springing up" in the Greek means "continuously running". In other words, the more we dive in to the "living water" offered by Jesus, the more our thirst will continue to "spring up".
That's it. There's no magic. But to know that others are struggling with me; To know that Jesus cares; and To know that the Lord Himself wants to "spring up our thirst" - He wants to help for He understands more than any other person!
So if you are struggling today, take these words of advice! I only pray it helps!
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